Thursday, January 27, 2011

3. Vignettes of hostel life

Anyone who has stayed in a hostel, at some point in their life, would be able to identify with the sentiments expressed in these poems. I was lucky to have spent three memorable years as a boarder  in  my alma mater  in Bangalore.

A typical girls' hostel, it was " ruled" by  Sr. Eunice Halge,  an elderly autocratic nun of  European descent.( She told us that she hailed  from Italy , but her tyrannical ways, made us believe that she was most likely a German, who had certainly trained with Hitler in her previous birth, if not in this one!! )

Our hostel suffered from the usual maladies that plagued most hostels- mundane menus, rigorous regimes, remorseless ragging, a whimsical warden and regressive regulations ! Nevertheless, our spirited souls could not be reined in, and so we made merry - smuggling food to our rooms, sneaking out of the college premises bunking classes, sneaking into our rooms during class hours for an afternoon snooze, ragging the poor freshers, enjoying pyjama parties well past the  "lights-out"time, hosting freshers parties for newcomers and farewell parties for our seniors!

The common room was a veritable amalgamation of chaos- some of us played table tennis, some watched TV, some listened to music, some played games, many others just lounged around staring into space, some even managed to study amid all the ruckus,- all of this happened in the same  space and yet nobody complained. All the activities blended in perfect harmony.

Here are two poems written way back then . The first one is about the hostel life  and the second one is about our inimitable, unforgettable, whimsical warden- Sr Eunice Halge who was addressed as Mother Mary,without whom, our experiences would have been so incomplete and bland.


~ Dedicated to all my friends who made my stay at JNC hostel (JNCH), Bangalore wonderful and memorable ~

Life at JNCH, they say,
Is all fun and play.
Come, I shall narrate a different tale,
Of JNCH, where I was neither hearty, nor hale !

To begin with.....the life sustaining force - FOOD !
How often did we on this subject brood -
-About eggs being crude
-and maids being shrewd !

How we dreaded the dampening sight ,
Of eggs and potatoes, morning ,noon and night !
One look at the cakes and desserts , coloured bright,
Sufficed to freeze our appetite.

About JNCH's atmosphere,
The less said the better.
It was so tense and austere,
A little spark could actually start a fire.

Rules and regulations were so severe,
We were  worse off than prisoners anywhere!
Instances of gating,
Outnumbered those of our outing,

Twice a week we were let out on "parole"
Gladly then did we in Koramangala stroll,
Stopping by at "Cozy Hut" for a chicken roll,
Which often worked wonders for my poor starved soul.

Our saturday outings to "Brigs & Comms" were more eventful,
We returned with our wallets empty and our stomachs full!
Sundays also gave us no respite,
B'fast had to be at 7.30 , if we trudged in late, we got not one bite!!

Seeking permission to go out was  an ordeal,
On deaf ears,fell  uselessly many an appeal,
Thus was  thwarted our gregarious zeal,
Making us with anger and helplessness reel,
After all our nerves are made of fibre, not steel,
And when unreasonableness we face, irate we do feel !!

Inspite of all that strife,
These  memories remain the  best ones  of my life,
What wouldn't I give to spend one  day in JNCH  again !

 The Iron Lady

~ Dedicated to  dear Mother Mary , who is no longer with us  ~

Clad in spotless white,
She seems unusually bright,for such an old sprite,
Sometimes she is a bit too trite,
But in the circumstances, it is often right.

Many call her stern and strict,
But love and warmth she never does restrict,
Her frail health does not constrict,
To make JNCH distinct in the district.

Indiscipline and unruliness make her wild,
For she disbelieves in "sparing the rod and spoiling the child"
Many a wild child has she made mild,
And hearing these reports, many  happy  parents smiled.

It  is said she is despotic,
Making the inmates' lives melancholic,
But if she were democratic,
Believe me, JNCH would be so chaotic

Her recurrent outbursts hold no malice,
Their sole aim was to redeem us from vice,
All- in- all , life in JNCH is quite nice,
Especially with Mother Mary it is worth the price.

Armed with unmatched insight,
She puts up such a brave fight,
To demolish "wrong" and establish "right,"
Often  I have puzzled about her indefatigable might.

Clad in spotless white,
In her inimitable gait,
She trudges across the JNC site,
Oh ! What a truly  unforgettable sight!

In future , I shall make darkened moments bright,
By calling to mind this "unforgettable sight"
Of this lovable and  indomitable sprite,
And with much pride and delight , this poem recite!

~ Yasmin

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2. Sadness in Spring

 Sadness in Spring  (Composed in Feb 91)

The long legged trees, harmoniously, in the breeze do sway,
To the world, their lush green apparel, proudly they display,
The clouds dance sprightly, to the winds sweet music,
But alas! my eyes behold not these scenes, for they are melancholic.

The tumbling brook's mellifluous murmur never does cease,
Oh! the cuckoo's tunes spill with such unprecedented ease,
Nature's orchestra is complete with the buzzing of the bees,
Woe, lets not my hapless ears, hear  these melodies.

The flowers' fragrance is lured outside the garden by the rapacious wind,
In the orchards, is afloat the scents of mellow melons and orange rind,
Sweet smells  of  roses, lilies, magnolias and even the blossoms of tamarind,
And yet , my insensate nose senses none of this.

My mind has often mused...........
When Nature abounds with joy in spring,
Why must limitless sadness in my heart spring?
Often have I mulled and mused,
Why this discord between Man and Nature's mood?
Why ??...................
I still remain confounded ...........and confused.

1. The motivation to write!

One can safely assume that great scientific minds like Einstein and Newton came up with their brilliant  inventions  because of two factors; one , they had an indefatigable passion for the subject and two ,they had all the time and the resources available, to relentlessly pursue their wisps of ideas, and give shape and form to them.

Please be rest assured,  I am certainly  not  presumptious enough to compare myself to these geniuses. Nevertheless, I can't help but dwell on the fact, that at this point in my life , I certainly do possess one of the factors that  Einstein and Newton were privvy to, and that my friends is, time and the resources to pursue my dream - of writing! I do not have any grandiose plans to come up with any inventive genius , but I would feel exhilarated,  if I am able to give shape and form to the various unfettered thoughts, that flit through my mind, like butterflies in a flower-filled field ,on a warm summer afternoon.

Footprints in the sands of time !Time......of which there is no beginning nor end .
My mind travels across time, sometimes back into the past and sometimes forward into the future ,  the plan is to create little footprints......... sometimes of the past and sometimes of the here goes.....

An ardent student of english literature, who fell in love with Venice, and all things Italian,  while reading the "Merchant of Venice" in school , I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what I have been doing, pursuing a career in corporate sales for the last fifteen years. Not that I did not enjoy it. But come to think of it, how could I use the perspectives and sensibilities gained from  William Wordsworth's poetry and David Thoreau's prose in the hard core world of business? At best, the sales proposals and presentations  that I drafted could have been made a tad  attractive with my creative inclinations! How could the romanticism of Shelley and Keats be woven into or around  hard as nails, sales negotiations?

As my career in Sales blossomed, my literary and creative pursuits nosedived. Life sucked me into this abyss  of  client meetings, sales targets, sales reports, presentations,sales training ,sales performance reviews ,deadlines etc. I have finally emerged from the abyss, after fifteen long years, so much like Alice . It  is almost as if I am back in my wonderland (or is it through the looking glass of life ?) and can't wait to meet all the mystical characters- the queen of hearts, the mad hatter,the cheshire cat, Tweedledum and Tweedledee- come alive to entertain me ! And let me tell you ,how this transformation came about.

Rummaging through my treasure chest of memories, I chanced upon a bundle of journals that I  had written as a teenager. I had forgotten that I was  a budding poet back then and had even penned a few lines of verse. The profound emotions laid bare on paper set me thinking about how I have stopped "thinking and feeling".Where is the time to think and feel these days? I am  merely seeing, hearing,saying and doing stuff, merely using my senses , not my conditioned sensibilities.  It is not easy to shift gears in life, to move from one platform governed by the brain to another platform governed by the heart. One has to strike the right balance and I believe I just did. By pouring out my thoughts once again on paper , I seek and hope  to bring alive the sensitive, thinking, feeling  person that I used to be.

 I do not make any tall claims of  tossing up  inventions or ideas  in  the league of Einstein or Newton with my blog, but I sure do hope, to humbly reinvent a new "Me".